How essential oils can improve your life?

Aromatherapy is a preventive, wellness and completely natural way to maintain good emotional and physical shape. It is a natural way that allows you to remove and resolve daily stress, prevent the development of ailments and give everyday life the beauty of aromas.

We know a lot about the unique properties of essential oils and are happy to show you their miraculous power.
To serve the client's needs such as anxiety, fatigue, stress, as well as promote your RELAXATION, MENTAL CLARITY and FEELING WELL ...

Let us show you how essential oils can improve your life!!!

Aromatherapy Facial

An aromatherapy facial involves the use of a variety of essential oils. The essential oils are chosen according to your skin type.
Naturally, these essential oils work to the advantage of your skin and take care of a variety of cosmetic concerns like pimples, acne and rashes.
We pride ourselves on using 100% pure therapeutic grade essential oils.

Aromatherapy facial massage can be performed independently at home and we will teach you how to do it correctly, but also, nothing prevents you from getting real pleasure by plunging into the magical world of aromas, trusting the expert's sensitive hands.

Expected results:
A procedure such as facial massage stimulates blood circulation and metabolic processes, which helps strengthen facial muscles and increase the overall tone of the skin. As a result, small wrinkles disappear, and the skin becomes smoother and firmer.

CDN$80 per session / hour

Essential Oils Blending

We have unique products – essential oils of therapeutic grade.
We will provide our clients with unique blends which will be formulated for their special health needs.
We will use these blends in reflexology foot massage therapy, head massage and aromatherapy facial sessions.

We offer a wide selection of blends of essentials oils in base oil or cream to meet customer therapeutic needs.
These blends can be safely used for massages at home, they are labelled with instructions on how to use them.
This will provide individual approach to the client needs.

Expected results:
When a therapeutic blend is created specifically for the individual customer this treatment method brings about very effective results.
Custom blends can be done to improve body systems like cardiovascular, digestive, immune, integumentary, nervous, lymphatic etc. or for emotional support and well-being.

Aromatherapy Healing Procedures

Aromatherapy uses aromatic essential oils medicinally to improve the health of the body, mind, and spirit.
Essential oils primarily affect the human psyche, but they also penetrate to the internal organs. Due to their structure, the molecules of essential oil easily penetrate into our body through the sense of smell or skin. Then a signal comes into our brain and is transmitted to the internal organs through the nervous system.
Smells trigger a reaction inside our body. Remember how your body instantly reacts to certain smells - causing pleasant memories or dislike. Some aromas can invigorate you, while others can relax you.

Using essential oils includes two main methods: by inhalation and/or by absorption into the skin. Each of these two methods allows you to achieve high therapeutic results.
The inhalation method is the most common therapeutic method for colds. It helps reduce swelling, inflammation, suppresses cough, removes nasal congestion in the throat and nose. At this method, the procedures are divided into two types: direct and steam.
With direct inhalation, the scent of essential oil is inhaled from the bottle or by applying a couple of drops to a piece of fabric. In this case, breathing should be deep, it is desirable to close the eyes, and the procedure should not exceed more than 10 minutes. Molecules of essential oils, getting on the nasal mucosa, cause impulses that are sent to the brain, where the process of increasing the body's resistance to infectious diseases begins.
The steam inhalation is realized using a special devices like inhalers, diffusers, steam baths.

Expected results:
Essential oils have different effects on our body and each oil has its own properties - antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic.
The inhalation method of aromatherapy promotes the regeneration and nutrition of the body at the cellular level, provides energy, boosts immunity and destroys most bacteria and viruses.

Reflexology Foot Massage

The underlying theory behind reflexology is that there are certain points or “reflex areas” on the feet and hands that are connected energetically to specific organs and body parts through energy channels in the body.
It enhances both physical and emotional health.

We provide a complete foot reflexology treatment by massaging all reflexes of the foot with a custom blend of essential oils to stimulate full body balance.
Massage will be performed in the comfort and convenience of a customer’s home.

Expected results:
Foot massage with custom built blend relaxes and balances the nervous system, reduces tension and stress, encourages the body’s natural healing response, relieves physical, mental and emotional discomfort, revitalizes and rejuvenates releases stagnant and congested energy opens the energy pathways of the body.

CDN$95 per session / hour

Health Products Store

These wellness products are of the highest quality of freshness that helps heal, calm and inspire.
All products are certified, have the appropriate license for use, have standard packaging with instructions how to use them. They are made from natural ingredients and organic compounds, unless otherwise indicated.

Visit our health products store to find wellness products according to your health needs.

Expected results:
With these products, you can independently perform wellness massage treatments, aromatic sessions, set up therapeutic baths, and create cosmetics at home.
Using these wellness products will make your skin beautiful, relieve stress and fatigue, and also strengthen your immune system.

Head Massage

Head massage, also known as champissage, is a treatment that focuses on massaging acupressure points along the head, neck, and shoulders, often using circular massage strokes to improve hair and scalp condition.

This massage will be beneficial if you surfer from: dandruff, dry skin on the head, brittleness and hair loss, split ends. Massage will be performed in the comfort and convenience of a customer’s home.

Expected results:
It enhances both physical and emotional health.
After 3-4 sessions, the hair becomes shiny and begins to grow. Moreover, the head massage also affects the condition of the facial skin, eliminating swelling and skin sagging.

CDN$80 per session / hour

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