Despite the fact that people perceive smells individually, there is a list of smelling substances that are recognized by most people as the most pleasant and desirable.


Aromas of orange, grapefruit, and lime are traditionally in favor. And this is not surprising: their subtle sweet and sour notes are filled with freshness and warmth, evoking associations with the holidays. Also, it has been scientifically proven that the aromas of citrus fruits, primarily oranges, cause the production of the hormone of joy – endorphin and, in general, lift the mood.

Freshly cut grass

Millions of people in the world can be made happy only by the smell of a field after mowing. Sweet notes of juicy greens evoke positive emotions and help to relax and overcome depression. And there is a scientific basis for that. It turns out that the juice of the herb contains substances that can affect the hippocampus and the amygdala in the brain. These areas are responsible for emotions and memory, and more than others suffer from stress and emotional overload. Substances in the juice of the cut grass help a person to relax, give a feeling of joy and peace, and make a person more stress-resistant.


The coffee smell is one of the most famous and preferred in the world. In humans, it is associated with cheerfulness, joy, and sexual attraction. The aroma of coffee beans itself has an exciting effect on the nervous system. And, therefore, you can cheer up and wake up from sleep without even using caffeine, but only inhaling the molecules of the smelling substance.

Fresh bread

Most people associate fresh baked goods with home, childhood, family, wealth, and well-being. Not surprisingly, the smell of freshly baked bread is among the leaders in attraction.
The question of the attractiveness of baking has been carefully studied by marketers of famous perfume companies. Numerous polls and tests were carried out, in which the subjects were asked to choose from several dozen different smells only one, the most pleasant. 99% of the participants in the experiments chose the aroma of buns and croissants.


The smell of rain and forest after rain is loved by many. This is freshness and purity that you want to breathe in and remember. The attractiveness of these “wet aromas” is explained by the positive effect of negatively charged ions, the concentration of which becomes higher after a thunderstorm. Enriching our body with oxygen, these particles activate the work of the cerebral cortex, and increase the production of the hormones of joy – endorphin and confidence as serotonin.


Due to the high concentration of negatively charged ions, the scent of the sea has become a favorite of millions. However, in contrast to the aroma of nature after the rain, the fragrant sea bouquet is more complex and interesting: on the seashore, you can clearly hear the notes of sea salt, iodine, and algae.


Remembering the most pleasant smells for a person, one cannot keep silent about favorite, sweet, and exciting spices – vanilla and cinnamon. These warm sunny spices are not only a great antidepressant but also an aphrodisiac. People associate these smells with pleasure and joy, hope, happiness, and well-being. Cinnamon and vanilla are widely used in perfumery and scent marketing.


Another excellent antidepressant is chocolate itself and its scent, which combines dozens of different scent substances. Chocolate promotes the production of endorphins and serotonin, calms a person, and fills him with a sense of joy.


The aromas of rose, lavender, lily of the valley, lily, jasmine, ylang-ylang, hyacinths, and peonies are well recognized and adored by both the female and male half of humanity. However, according to the degree of pleasantness among the flowers, the queen of flowers is in the lead – the rose, with its delicate, sweetish, and warm scent. It has a relaxing effect on people and awakens tender emotions and romantic feelings.


Unlike animals, we can enjoy the smell of smoke, namely the aroma of burning matches, cigars, and fires. Animals are afraid of this, associating smoke with danger and fire. Scientists explain the positive reaction of a person by the traditional use of fire for domestic purposes: the presence of hearths, fireplaces, stoves in people’s homes, that is, the warmth and comfort.

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